Righteousness exalts a nation - Proverbs 14:34

Regd. No. : 489/068/069

In the presence of Chief Guest, Hon. Vice President, Christmas 017 and New Year 018 program is held

01-Jan 2018 KTM- Federation of National Christian Nepal has organized a Christmas 017 cum New Year 018 greetings exchange program at the meeting hall – office of Vice-President.  The MC of the program was FNCN-Secretary cum Head of Mgmt. Pastor Uddav Chimoriya.

Honourable Vice President lightning candle-initiating the program

Being Chief Guest, honourable Vice-President, Nanda Badhur Pun, lighted the lamp-stand and opened the program formally.  The program was chaired by the FNCN-President, Mr. C.B. Gahatraj. Members of Women Dept. of FNCN put welcome lapel-badges and distributed buckeye flowers to the distinguished guests.

Singing National anthem- VIPs on the podium

The opening prayer was conducted by Director of Eastern Church Nepal Bishop, Hem Chandra Sharma. Welcome songs and Christmas songs were led by the Head of Prayer Dept. Mrs. Deau Maya Tamang and General Secretary- FNCN Pastor Padam Nath Parajuli made a welcome speech.

Participants and guests in the program

On behalf of the Christian community, Co-Chairman, Dr. Rev. Philemon Chettri made a speech.  In the same occasion the President of FNCN, Mr. C.B. Gahatraj awarded a certificate of Honor to the honourable Vice-President, Nanda Bahadur Pun, honouring him for his vital contribution in-terms of establishing of democracy, republic and institutionalization of secularism and insuring religion, cultural and human rights.  Mrs. Solomi Lepcha Timothy was honoured by the honourable Vice President for her four decades of contribution in the Christian musical sector.  She was awarded a Certificate of honour and put ‘Doshalla’ by the honourable Vice President.

Mrs. Solomi Lepcha Timothy awarded with a certificate of honour by the hon. Vice President

In his speech, the honourable Vice President, expressed his greetings of Christmas – 017 and Happy New Year 018 to all the Christians in Nepal and as well as in abroad.

Hon. Vice President is awarded a certificate of honour by the FNCN-President

He also expressed that from the starting of 018, all people have rights to exercise their faith and practices as per their culture and values since the constitution has assured the equal rights to all the religions, caste and races and believed that the nation will move towards the prosperity. During the speech and (vote of thanks) the FNCN- President Mr. C.B. Gahatraj extended the greetings of Christmas 017 and New Year 018 to all the Christians in Nepal and abroad along with the vote of thanks to all the participants.  The concluding prayer was conducted by General Secretary of Nepal Bible Society, Rev. Tej Girel, thus the program ended.  
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