Righteousness exalts a nation - Proverbs 14:34

Regd. No. : 489/068/069


CB Gahatraj President of FNCN 2073||10||12

Published on Jan 25, 2017

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Our Significant Achievements

  • Successful to observe Christmas holiday as public holidays since 2007 to 2015
  • Able to reestablish Christmas holiday as public holiday in this December 2016.
  • Succeeded to appraise 25 political parties about national issues of Christians and sought their commitments of cooperation during 2007-2009.
  • Able to signed 3 point agreement with GoN after sitting hunger strike for 40 days that addressed national issues and burial ground provision for Christian community.
  • Successfully conducted mass awareness programme among National, international organizations, churches about the National issues of Christians..
  • Persuaded government of Nepal to accept the existence of Christians through signing historical 6 point agreement signing.. Succeeded to establish Nepal as a secular state in New constitution.
  • Able to set free from jail for those 8 innocent Christians who were allegedly kept on prison at Charikot, for preaching gospel.

We Shall Overcome

Across diversified context and terrain including those living in Diaspora how FNCN tackle to meet their aspiration and unite into one umbrella is our key challenge!!

Praise the Lord

Despite restricted context and resources FNCN is able to achieve many things and God I working wonderfully in this beautiful land. Continuously lift us in prayers.


Operating Principles

As required and context appropriate we carry out all activities based on gospel truth and grace. We FNCN move forward abiding by the constitution of Federation, but will not obstruct the fellowship with God and ministry in any way.

  • We practice democratic inclusive coordination process and avoid polarization in organization.
  • We are not political in nature however, to achieve the FNCN goal we partner with our national and international stakeholders.
  • We work to identify the need of political, economical, cultural and religious interest and development of the Christian community and move forward to plan to address the same.

Strategic Objectives To Meet The Goal

  • Formation of Christian Commission.
  • Provision of burial ground for Christian all over Nepal.
  • Develop Nepali model of secularism criteria as per global level acceptance and standard honoring all religious and faith groups are equal.
  • Creation of laws by laws to establish Christian norms and value in society.
  • Collection of actual data of Christians of Nepal.
  • Refute false allegations labeled against Christians.
  • Leading and playing needful role to solve the problems that occurs upon Christians.
  • Initiate to get recognition of Bible Colleges and Schools as a religious institutions.
  • To establish Christmas and Good Friday as national holidays.
  • Abiding by the biblical value, partnering with the likeminded agencies and stakeholders, pursuing the pressure group role with government (GoN) FNCN seek to establish existence, identity, social, economical, political, cultural and religious right for complete freedom of Christian community of Nepal.
  • Build Partnership collaboration with government of Nepal, (GoN), concerned National and International agencies seeking cooperation and coordination.
  • Consolidate and raise awareness among Nepali Christians living in Diaspora.
  • Create pressure to concerned authorities and government through such events for pursual of rightful demands enjoyed by the bonafide citizen of Nepal.
  • Establish churches into a free charitable religious entity and develop as a sanctified religious place.
  • Ensure that Christians get proportionate representation/oppertunity at all government body.

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